And in Heaven the angels  

Scenes 3-7 are mostly adapted from Ecstasy by Grantley Morris. Full text of Ecstasy and other works by Grantley Morris are on-line at

Stage Area

Keep the stage area very simple.

Set up an ''Earth Overlook'' area stage right. We have a 7 ft. rough wood cross. We made a lightweight apple tree which we stood in front of the cross. At the beginning of scene 5, while the lights were out, we removed the apple tree and turned an overhead light up to highlight the cross. We made an ''Earth Overlook'' sign with an arrow pointing to the tree/cross area to identify that as earth.

The rest of the stage can be decorated to suggest heaven.


Take the anxiety out of your play. Instead of worrying about memorization, print the program in large letters on ledger size paper. You can do this by loading the program into your favorite word processor and setting the font very large or by using a photocopier that enlarges or by printing them by had with markers. Use a low music stand to hold the pages at the edge of the stage area. Someone can sit on a low stool next to the music stand and flip the pages as needed.

If you use costumes, keep them simple. Our girl angels were excited about robes and halos, the boys did not want to wear robes. We put the girls in angel costumes and let the boys wear white t-shirts. One of our helpers had a ''too late for our program'' great idea - you could paint ''Angel'' on each t-shirt with an arrow going to the side so that each child''s shirt pointed to the other children.

Mother 1 - ordinary clothing
Father 1 - ordinary clothing
Child 1 - school clothing
Mother 2 - robe and slippers
Father 2 - church clothing
Child 2 - school clothing
3 Narrators
14 Speaking Angels (you can divide the lines differently to work with more or fewer children)
Any number of children 2nd grade and under
Any number of children can take part in the procession - we usually ask visiting children to join in.

Little Child In A Manger Lay, Dennis Jernigan, CD Like Christmas All Year ''Round
1,2,3,4,5 - I Know Jesus Is Alive, PreK-2nd finger play
Praise The Lord, Allelu - Youth Chorus Tape
Above All - (Two of our group signed/danced this)
John 3:16 - CD Scripture Rock
Raps are adapted from Grantley Morris'' drama, Ecstasy

Test score sheets - skit 1
Can use sun glasses for angel raps
Backpack and/or some school books - skit 1
Broom - skit 2
Thunder sound effect

In scene 3 the voice of Jesus can be read from offstage or can be taped ahead of time and played.
Scene 5 can be a tape.
The voices in scene 7 can be put on a tape.

We reserved space at the front of the church for cast to sit. The children moved on and off the stage as needed. It works better than trying to keep order in crowed off stage areas.
Children who do not have a part prior to the procession can be waiting in a room close to the door which will be used for the procession.

Scene 1

Narrator 1 - Welcome to our Easter program.

Narrator 2 - Please pray with us.

Narrator 3 - (wait for quiet) Dear God, thank You for Easter. Please help us remember that Jesus died for us so we can go to heaven with You. Amen

(Welcoming angels go offstage to join the other children. Skit one goes into position.)

Skit 1

Setting: Child comes home after school with books and a test score sheet. Mother & Father are waiting.

Child 1: (Runs onto set) Mom! Dad! I got my Career Aptitude test scores today!

Father: What''s a Career Aptitude test?

Mother: It helps determine what career is right for you. What did the test show?

Alicia: Look right here. It says I''d make a good teacher. I''ve been thinking about teaching.

Father: Teaching? Do you want to starve to death?

Mother: And the schools are awful now days. The children don''t listen.

Child 1: I''m praying about my career. What if God wants me to be a teacher?

Father: Well, I''m sure God doesn''t want you and your family to starve.

Mother: Or die in a classroom fight. Let''s go to supper

(Mother and father go offstage in different directions)

Child 1: (looking at audience) What should I do? (Go offstage)

(Skit 1 children go offstage and join other children in the procession area. Skit 2 children take position)

Skit 2

Setting: Sunday morning at home.

Child 2: (Walks onto set)

Mother 2: (Walks onto set mixing something in a large bowl. Continues to mix during the skit.)

Father 2: (walks onto set and sees others still in their robes) Come on, slow pokes. We''re going to be late for church.

Child 2: Sorry, Dad. I forgot it was Sunday. We''ll be ready in a few minutes. Right, Mom?

Mother 2: You two just go ahead without me. I''ve simply got too much to do.

Father 2: We do the chores together after we get home. Let''s all go to church and serve the

Lord together.

Britney M: No, I''d rather get all this out of the way early. That way I can enjoy the day.

Father 2: I''d really like us to be in church together this morning. Let''s all go.

Mother 2: No, I really prefer not to.

Father 2: How about you, child, are you almost ready to go?

Child 2: No, Dad. Just go on without me. I believe I''ll stay here and help Mommy serve the devil.

Mother 2: Oh, no you won''t. You just get yourself upstairs and get ready. I''ve got too much to do to argue with you two.

(Mother and father go offstage in different directions)

Child 2: (looking at audience) What should I do? (Go offstage)

(Skit 2 children go offstage and join other children in procession area)

Narrators onstage

Narrator 1: Is it any wonder kids get confused?

Narrator 2: Everybody is talking and nobody is listening. I wonder if anyone ever listens to us kids

Narrator 1: We might be young but we have dreams and plans and ideas

Narrator 2: Most important, we have a relationship to God through Jesus Christ
Our voices, our thoughts and our ideas are important

Narrator 3: Jesus listened to the children

Onn Palm Sunday, everybody heard the voice of the children

Our voices rose up and filled the streets with praise for Jesus

And it was very good

Narrator 1: Today, we have something to say to you

Will you listen to our voices?

Narrators offstage to join other children in the procession area

(Angels 1, 2, 3 walk to the platform and stand facing down the aisles. Arms are crossed. Position

is one of power.)

(Voice - from the procession area): Make way for the King of Glory

Angel 1 (speaking to the other angels ): I just love this part!

Angel 2: Go ahead, answer them!

Angel 3: Who is this King of Glory

(Voice): Jesus Christ! He is the King. He is the King of Glory. Open wide the Gates!

Procession: Use upbeat fun music. We used Jesus Is The Lord Of The Way I Feel. If you have banners or rythem instruments you might want to use them. When all children are on the stage let them lead the audience through the song once more. We used overhead projection to give the audience the words, you could also hand them out ahead of the program.

Older children go to reserved seating area

Younger children remain onstage and perform a simple song or finger plan. We used 1,2,3,4,5 I Know Jesus Is Alive

Young children off stage, Angels 1-3 on

Angel 1: Alright! That was a parade!

Angel 2: Do you remember the parade of shepherds the night He went to earth?

Angel 3: How could I forget? Of course I remember - just like it was yesterday

Scene 2

(Angels 4,5,6 & 7 on stage. Angels Peer toward the earth)

Angel 4 (excited) : The time has come

Angel 5 (Stands to make an important announcement) : In the beginning ...

Angel 6 : No, no! We''ve had that already, remember?

Angel 5 (Sits down looking embarrassed): Sorry, I forgot.

Angel 4 : The time has come for Jesus to be born as a man. (looks down over the edge). Down there.

On that planet, earth.

Angel 7 (looks over) : Really? Now why would He go there?

Angel 6 : To save men. Those strange creatures that live on the earth.

Angel 5 (critically): Well for what I''ve seen of them - and I''ve been looking, they really aren''t worth ..

Angel 4 (holds his hand up to motion "stop": Quiet! The Father loves them.

Angel 5 (puzzled) : Extraordinary

Angel 7: Jesus is going there? I''ve got to see this!

Angel 5: Me too, where should we look? Where is he going?

Angel 6 : Watch there, just to the side of the Dead Sea. He''s going to that little town they call Bethlehem in Judea.

Angel 5: Bethlehem in Judea? Why there? Turn Him around. Head Him for somewhere important - somewhere people can actually find Him would be a good idea!

Angel 4 : But he must be born there. Many years ago the Father gave His word.

Angel 5: Oh, well, then Bethlehem in Judea it is, I guess.

Angel 7: Look, there! I see Bethlehem, but where''s Jesus?

Angel 6 (pointing): Right there. See that little cave in the hillside.

Angel 7: The one where the animals are?

Angel 4 : Yes. That one.

Angel 5: Got it. Now, where''s Jesus?

Angel 6 : He''s with the man and woman there in the stable cave.

Angel 7 (horrified) That tiny little baby? Not that little helpless baby!

Angel 5 (knowingly): Even I know that if He is to be born as a man He has to start out as a baby. They all do, you know. Duh-h-h

Angel 7 (indignantly): But it isn''t fair! It can''t be right! Look at Him! He can''t walk or talk or anything! He can''t even get around as good as that man and woman there.

Angel 5: That''s because they are grown-ups, He''s just a baby. They must be the people who will take care of Him. Doesn''t that sound strange? People looking after the Son of God.

Angel 7: Listen! Jesus is crying! Quick! Let''s go get Him.

Angel 5: Right! People can''t take care of Jesus! People don''t even take good care of their own children. We''ve got to go get Him back!

Angel 4 : We''ll get Him back alright. After 33 of those Earth years, people will kill Him. He''ll come back here after he dies.

Angel 5: How terrible. We can''t let that happen. Jesus can''t die!

Angel 6 : All men die.

Angel 5: Men deserve to die. They disobey God and they have terrible ways. They''re always hurting and killing each other. I doubt if any of them are really worth an effort. Why bother with them?

Angel 7: Right! I mean why should Jesus have to go down there at all?

Angel 4 : I told you, the Father loves them. He wants to invite them to come here.

Angel 5: Men here? Nonsense! I sure wouldn''t want to live next door to one.

Angel 6 : Watch it! I told you the Father loves them. He really does.

Angel 7: If the Father wants men here, why not just bring them right on up here

Angel 4 : Because the Father gives men a choice. He wants man to be able to accept or reject the choice of coming here. Sending Jesus is a part of the choice.

Angel 7: Father has us angels. Why does He want people? I don''t understand at all.

Angel 6 : It isn''t necessary for us to understand. The Father understands. He created Heaven. He created Earth. He created angels AND He created men.

Angel 5 (thoughtfully): Strange thought. Men. Here.

Angel 4 : You''ll get used to it. Now, we''ve got an assignment to complete. It should gi ve us a close up view of men! We''re going down there to find some shepherds.

Angel 5: What-erds?

Angel 6 : SHEP hards - you know the men who take care of those white wooly little animals. We''ll go tell them Jesus is born in Bethlehem.

Angel 7: Then what?

Angel 4 : Nothing. After we tell them, it''s up to them. We just come back here.

Angel 5 (anxiously) And leave Jesus down there with them?

Angel 6 : Yes, it''s the Father''s plan to win men.

Angel 7: What if it fails? What if they don''t do anything?

Angel 4 : Then ... this birth will be for nothing. The Father has only one plan. It''s up to men now.

Angels 4-7 offstage

Scene 3

Angels 1-3 on stage

Angel 1 : And that was only the beginning.

Angel 2 : It was the hardest time ever for angels. Seeing Him go through so much for them.

Angel 3: Do you remember how empty heaven felt without Him?

(Angels 1-3 offstage)

(Angels 11 and 12 prepare to go onstage. Angels 8-10 and 13-14 go onstage, walk near the earth overlook and stop to talk. They look onto the earth scene as they talk.)

Angel 8: [dejected]: O Gabriel, it''s been 30 earth-years and His throne is so empty.

Angel 9: We all feel the pain.

Angel 8: I had no idea angels could feel so bad. I didn''t think heaven could be so empty.

Angel 9: Earth! What''s so special about that tiny speck ....

Angel 8: (looking over the edge) Listen! He''s teaching them.

(Angels all look over the edge and listen)

Taped Voice of Jesus: If I have told you of things that happen right here on the earth and yet none of you believes Me, how can you believe if I tell you of heavenly things? No one has ever gone up to heaven, but there is One Who has come down from heaven -- the Son of Man Who is in heaven. And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up in order that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life and live forever. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.

Angel 10 : What fantastic teaching! I could listen to it for hours!

Angel 9 [laughing]: You have been! The sun''s going down!

Angel 10: Really?

Angel 9: Words of Life from the Living Word. It''s good to get lost in them.

Angel 11: [Walks on stage, Alone, dejected] I don''t know...

Angel 12: [Walking in] What''s wrong?

Angel 11: I''ve been on earth patrol. Have you ever been?

Angel 12 [sadly]: No, I''ve never left this dimension. [Excitedly] Powering through the dimensional interphase must be sensational!

Angel 11: It''s spectacular alright. And the galaxies aren''t bad, but the moment you touch down on that sin-infested planet - Ooooo [shudders in revulsion].

Angel 12: [begging, intensely interested]: Tell me about it.

Angel 11: The human race is so perverse. You know, besides Jesus, not one on the entire planet is good!

Angel 12: No one?

Angel 11: That''s right. It makes my skin creep.

Angel 14: Corrupt to the core!

Angel 11: Utterly. There''s no basic difference between them and Satan. Like the devil himself, each of them has violated God''s laws.

Angel 14: Since they won''t listen to Jesus, I think God will wipe out the whole human race. Then Jesus can come back here and heaven will be heaven again.

Angel 11: I don''t think that is His plan. The Father really loves them.

Angel 14: How can God possibly eliminate evil and fix that whole mess without destroying that evil human race?

Angel 11: Beats me! But it''s got something to do with Jesus'' earth-mission.

Angel 13: I don''t understand.

Angel 11: Well I''m no expert in holy law ... but I know that I know that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has become the only sinless person on His adopted planet.

Angel 13: So, what does that change?

Angel 11: EVERYTHING! Somehow, Jesus, the only innocent person there, will take the blame for all their sin..

Angel 13: Wow!

Angel 11: Somehow, by Jesus suffering, it will become legal for the innocent and the guilty to swap places.

Angel 13: [Absolutely flabbergasted] Wow!

Angel 11 [After an appropriate pause]: Oooooh, I feel a song coming!

(This is a rap)

Earth needs: Hate to die; The hater to live

Fighting to stop; The fighter freed

Hurting to halt; The hurter reformed

Chorus: Offenders released yet justice to reign

Guilt destroyed but the guilty restored

Sin to be slain but the sinner reclaimed

An impossible dream without Jesus

Earth''s a bad dream without Jesus


(Angels 4-14 off stage)

(Angels 1-3 on stage)

Angel 1: That''s when we began to understand God''s plan.

Angel 2: Right! We knew that no sinner could ever enter God''s presence.

But Jesus was armed with the power of a sinless life.

He never surrendered to Satan so Satan had no power over Him.

Angel 3: The whole point of Jesus'' mission is to deliver humans.

God arranged a prisoner-exchange - the entire human race in exchange for His only Son.

Angel 1: He went to earth to do everything for them.

He was righteous for them.

He suffered the penalty of their sins.

He defeated death for them.

He rose for them, entered heaven for them

and now he''s sitting right here on the throne ...

Well, I''m getting ahead of the story. Let''s just watch.

(Angels 1-3 off stage)
Scene 4

(Angels 11-14 on stage)

(Angel 13 and Angel 14 are in fits of laughter)

Angel 11 [enters]: What''s the joke?

Angel 13: It''s unbelievable! [Starts laughing again.]

Satan - [laughs uncontrollably.] Oh, you tell him! [Continues laughing.]

Angel 14: What''s the perfect time in the Jewish calender for Jesus to die?

Angel 11: Well, let''s see ... this will be the all time big sacrifice.

Most sacrifices are offered during the Passover holiday.

Angel 14: And pilgrims from all over the world will be there to watch.

The city will be crammed with witnesses.

Angel 11: Yes! Passover would be the perfect time and it is just a few earth-days away.

Angel 13: Well, just yesterday, earth-time, the Jewish leaders decided that they would not arrest Jesus during the Passover. They are afraid of a riot.

[Angel 14 starts giggling again.]

Angel 11: They did? Why are you laughing? The plan is spoiled.

Angel 14: No it''s not. Just today, Satan entered into Judas and started a plan to convince the leaders that they can arrest Jesus without a riot.

Angel 11: Wow! So Jesus really will die at the right time and all because of

Satan? [Laughs.]

Angel 13: Satan will never learn! God always wins!

Angel 14: Oh that devil! Even when he wins he loses! Everything he hurls at God boomerangs back onto his own head!

(This is a rap - angels pretend to throw boomerangs and duck as they come back.)

Angel 11: O that devil, O that devil

Even when he wins he loses.

All: O that devil, O that devil

Even when he wins he loses.

O that devil, O that devil

Even when he wins he loses.

Angel 11: He''s armed to the teeth with boomerangs.

All: He''s armed to the teeth with boomerangs.

He''s armed to the teeth with boomerangs.

Angel 11: What a fearful thing it is

All: What a fearful thing it is

What a fearful thing it is

What a fearful thing it is

To fight the Lord

O that devil, O that devil

Even when he wins he loses.

O that devil, O that devil

Even when he wins he loses.

He''s armed to the teeth with boomerangs.

He''s armed to the teeth with boomerangs.

[One angel throws an imaginary boomerang in mock rage. He follows its circular route with his eyes until it hits his head and knocks him out. Angels go off stage pretending to throw boomerangs and duck as they come back.]

At the end of the scene, the stage is empty and the voices of the angels fade out as they leave.

Scene 5

Scene note: Most of this scene can be taped in advance. We used adult voices with thunder in the background.

Angel 9: [Enters, glances over the edge and then turns away in horror and anguish]

(If you are using a cross, highlight it now. We projected a picture of the risen Christ standing to the side of the 3 crosses at the front of the church and high lighted the cross with a crown of thorns on top and a purple drape. It was very effective. Lightning would also be a good effect during this scene.)

Voice 1: No! This should never be! Innocence made guilty.

Holiness crushed by sin''s curse as if humanity''s sins were His own!

The Perfect One smeared with humanity''s shame - scorned, spurned, cursed.

Voice 2: O God, what is humanity that You should suffer this much?

Stop! ... Please!

Don''t do this ...

No-one is worth this much agony - NO-ONE!

Voice of Jesus: My God, why have you forsaken Me?

Voice 1: God, how can you do this? All the outrage ever felt when the children you love were cheated, abused, violated - anger fuelled by infinite love - fury so intense that only you can contain it - you now hurl upon your darling Son? WHY?

Voice 2: Seconds scream like hours. How long must this torment continue? HOW LONG?

Voice 1: He suffers in silence but I cannot be still. This is no ordinary man!

Voice 2: God, let me intervene. Let me spare your Son - your only Son - your precious Son...

Voice of Jesus: It''s finished!

Voice 1: It''s done! He''s drained that dreaded cup.

Not one dreg remains.

Voice 2: It''s paid! Sins debts are cancelled.

The ransom''s paid in full.

Voice 3: Arrogance crumbles before a humble Christ

Violence quivers

In the hands of peace.

The lion is vanquished by the lamb,

The serpent by the dove.

Depravity quashed by purity;

Hate is consumed by love.

All who cling to Christ are safe:

Shielded by His mangled form.

In Him they put their faith:

For them His flesh is torn.

He suffered for their guilt,

The filth in which they wallowed.

Deadly darts that enter Him

Touch not those who Him will follow.

(This is a great spot for dance or music. Two of our girls did a cross between sign language and interpreative dance to Above All. Having someone sing Dallas Holm''s The Blood Was Red would be good here.)

Scene 6

Angel 11: [Walks alone onto stage, sheet of paper in hand, looks at it.]

HE''S not here. He''s not HERE. He is not HERE. He is risen.

[Angels walk in half way through the above but stay at edge of scene, looking quizzically at each other, trying to figure out what Angel 11 is doing.]

Angel 11: [Using different intonation and gestures] He''s not here.

He is risen. [Pause]

He is not - [He sees the other angels and gets VERY embarrassed]

Oh - ah - didn''t notice you.

Angel 12 : What in heaven are you doing, Chebon?

Angel 11: Oh - um - just practising my lines.

Angel 9: [Laughing] Good idea, it''s only the greatest announcement the universe will ever hear.

Angel 11: [Taken aback] Yes, I guess it is.

I never thought of it like - [suddenly gets very nervous]

Oh, boy, I''d better practice some more!

[Goes to one side and mouths and acts the words again]

Angel 12: What a plan! This empty grave bit will knock them dead!

Angel 9: What do you mean?

Angel 12: Everyone will HAVE to believe when Jesus rises from the dead.

Angel 9: No-one ever HAS to believe.

Angel 12: They can''t deny the facts.

Angel 9: They''ll find a way.

Angel 12 : [Mystified] How?

Angel 9: They''ll say it was made up. They''ll call it a plot.

Angel 12: No way! - 40 days with 500 witnesses?

Angel 11:[Getting drawn into the conversation] 500?

Angel 12: That''s how many the risen Lord will appear to. And His disciples will touch Him and eat with Him. Some hallucination! [All laugh.]

Angel 10: They can''t explain away the empty grave.

Angel 9: They''ll say the disciples stole the body.

Angel 12: [Laughs] Tiptoed past blind guards I suppose! [All laugh.]

Angel 10 : Oiled the stone so it wouldn''t be heard! [All laugh.]

Angel 9: You''re right. It''s ridiculous, but many will still refuse to believe.

Angel 11: Why?

Angel 9: People who don''t want to obey God won''t listen to the truth.

Some people just don''t want to give up their favorite sins.

They''ll believe any lie that keeps them from facing the truth.

Angel 11: Even though that truth would fill them with never-ending joy and eternal peace?

Angel 9: Yes, even though it''s the most exciting truth in the universe.

Angel 12: Then why is Jesus doing all of this?

Angel 9: Because some people will be willing to face reality

Some will admit their need of God

Some will let go of selfishness.

Some will discover the matchless joy of knowing God. [Pause.]

Angel 10: Hey, it''s almost time for your announcement.

[Angels rush off stage]

Scene 7

(We felt it was important for the audience to take part in the worship. We projected the words onto the front wall and lowered the lights so that the cross and words were the focal points. The children were all part of the audience so there was nothing to distract during worship.)

Angel 9: Please stand and sing with us (takes place with the other children)

For God So Loved The World

Little Child In A Manger Lay

(The rest of this scene can also be taped in advance. Be sure children know to sit down here. Since they are at the front of the room the audience will follow.)

Voice of Jesus: The judgement lies in this; the Light has come into the world, and people have loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil.

Voice 1: How about you? Have you faced reality?

Have you admitted your need for God?

Will you let go of selfishness

and discover the matchless joy of knowing God?

Will you trade a life of shame for eternal glory and divine excellence?

As the music plays, won''t you respond to Jesus'' offer

Voice of Jesus: Look, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and dine with him, and he with Me.

At this point, one of our youth softly played Just As I Am Then a soloist sang That''s What This Altar Is For.

Credits: Most of the play was adapted for performance by children from Ecstasy by Grantley Morris. The full text of Ecstasy along with a lot of other great stuff is on line at I found the script for Scene 2 with no credits for authorship. It appeared to be an old script. If anyone knows who wrote it, please let me know so that I can give credit, ask permission to use, etc.

Author''s note: This play may be printed, copied, performed and used to the Glory of God.

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